219 MHz FCC Rules Revision Workshop Announcement

All of us at ORI are looking forward to the “let’s take back 219 MHz for innovative and awesome digital operations” workshop coming up in a few days. (This is a US centric spectrum management issue.)

The response has been very strong. Thank you!

Yes, the workshop will be recorded. No, it will not be successful without participation. If you care about completely unused VHF/UHF spectrum in the US, and want to see educational, modern, non-commercial use of this band happen without unnecessary impediments and silly rules, then we need your input now.

Here’s the link to RSVP (no you do not have to be an IEEE member to use vTools and sign up and attend):


Even if you simply want a recording of the workshop, please register. Then you can get a notification.

If you would like to participate in “The Haunted Band” or any of the other 9 open source amateur radio projects at ORI, then it’s easy to join.

Please visit https://openresearch.institute/getting-started to get involved.