We’re hard at work on an Earth-Venus-Earth (EVE) link budget for amateur sites attempting Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) style bounces off Venus for the upcoming inferior conjunction (when Venus is closest to Earth).
Here’s the Jupyter Lab notebook: https://github.com/OpenResearchInstitute/documents/blob/master/Engineering/Link_Budget/Link_Budget_Modeling.ipynb

We need to set the right final communications “margin” or “adverse tolerance”. 0 dB isn’t enough of a detection threshold. We’ve gotten suggestions ranging from 3 dB to 10 dB to 13 dB. This makes a big difference in the number of integrations for some of the modes.
The amount of Doppler from Venus’ rotation makes a difference too.
If you have insights on either or both and would like to help, please weigh in.
Would you like to test out Zadoff-Chu sequences at your EME station? That would be a huge help too.
For this upcoming attempt, the frequency is 1296 MHz. For the next attempt, 580 some odd days after that, the anticipated frequency is 2304 MHz.